Kira division DPC peter Nkulega and Kira road DPC Wanyama wilberforce have been arrested with three other Oc’s of kireka police post, Nambole police post and Kisasi police post along the Northern Bypass over negligence of duties. This after Kampala metropolitan comander Andrew Felix Kawesi while on an ubrupt tour of the police posts around the northern bypass while in civilian clothing. Kawesi found the named police posts lockedup with all police officers absent. Later, Kawesi called each of them while at the station and locked them up and moved away with the padlocks for the cells in which they have been locked up. Apparently, this follows concerns that each time there is a foot ball match especially on the weekends, the officers close the police stations and go to watch football. Kawesi says their arrest should serve as a warning to others. (Story by Joshua Mutale)
Kawesi arrests DPCs for negligence