The Army spokesperson, Lt. Col Paddy Ankunda has responded to a new report implicating Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) officials in illicit gold trade in the DR Congo saying that the army takes these allegations seriously. Ankunda promises cooperation in investigating further allegations of UPDF officers’ involvement in this trade. He also urges leaders of Enough Project, a Washington-based NGO that compiled the report to avail sufficient evidence that can help UPDF in investigations. A new report by the NGO incriminates UPDF and officials at Entebbe Airport for reaping from illicit gold trade from DR Congo enroute to United Arab Emirates (UAE), Turkey and Egypt, escalating chaos in eastern Congo. The report titled: Congo’s Conflict Gold Rush indicates that beneficiaries from this trade in turn finance armed rebel outfits operating essentially in eastern DRC, which is known for vast mineral wealth.
The army responds to new report; Congo’s Conflict Gold Rush